Whether you help raise funds, volunteer in your local area or make a contribution that allows us to help those at risk, there are many ways you can show your support to MOSS and our fight against homelessness.
Make a donation
Your donation will help us invest in and deliver support programs to people at risk or suffering homelessness. Show your support and help us put an end to homelessness.
Where does your money go?
$25 Essential Medications – Toys – Myki Cards – Food
Donations of every size have a big impact on quality of life.
$50 Food Vouchers – Stationary – Phone Credit – Nappies
Assisting with the financial constraints of day-to-day living.
$100 Clothing – Groceries – Household Items – Outings
This amount helps our consumers achieve sustainable independence.
$500 Therapy – Furniture – Emergency Accommodation – Rent
Truly changing lives, this money will go towards long-term transitions.
Corporate &
business support
MOSS is committed to developing partnerships with organisations that share our core principles and values and seek to protect our community’s most vulnerable. Our approach is to tailor partnerships that both benefit the community and support an organisation’s goals.
We also work closely with businesses to establish fundraising initiatives within the workplace to help build customer and brand loyalty.

Rana Hussain – MOSS Ambassador
MOSS Ambassadors
We’re seeking local leaders and social influencers who are passionate about supporting community efforts to join our Ambassadors program. We’re fortunate to have Rana Hussain as one of our ambassadors and are extending the program to other like-minded leaders.
By actively discussing the community issue of homelessness or sharing a personal experience, ambassadors can provide a voice of support, hope and connection to those at risk. We’re looking for a community figure who wants to help MOSS address homelessness in a meaningful and impactful way.
Volunteers are an integral part of MOSS and the work we do within the community, and we always welcome the opportunity to have new members join our Volunteering Team.
Corporate social responsibility
Employee volunteerism can also aid organisations by building employee engagement, strengthening their connection with the community and building brand awareness. Volunteering allows employees to sharpen their skills, broaden their networks, and better connect with colleagues.
Get in touch with the MOSS team today and join our fight against homelessness.
Raise funds for MOSS
Organising a fundraising event or activity is a great way to support MOSS with its work in the community.
There are so many fun ideas that could be tailored to suit a workplace, sports club, or community group such as an auction, raffle, BBQ lunch, morning tea, or fun run, just to name a few.
For assistance with planning your fundraising event, get in touch with the friendly team at MOSS.
Leave a bequest
By leaving a gift in your will, you can create a lasting change for those who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness.
Thanks to the generosity of benefactors, MOSS has helped children, families, and older Australians obtain housing security, independence and connection within their community.
Contact the MOSS team if you’d like to leave a legacy.

Pre-tax donations
Payroll Giving is a simple, tax-efficient scheme which allows employees to donate to MOSS directly from their salary, before tax.
Making a donation through payroll giving costs the donor less money, because the contribution comes out of pre-tax salary. A monthly gift of $40 could cost as little as $28 (based on a higher-rate taxpayer).
No matter the size of the donation, big or small, all contributions have an impact.